Big Sky Animal Medical Center

About Us

Your Home Away From Home
Located in Great Falls, Montana, Big Sky Animal Medical Center was started as a 3000 sq. ft. veterinary clinic built in 1996. In January of 2006 a 5600 sq. ft. addition was started. Completed in November of 2006, the addition includes a newly expanded treatment area. This area has a built-in bank of kennels allowing our vet staff to monitor animals as they recover from surgery or other veterinary procedures along with a bank of kennels designed for critically ill patients. This area is also used for many of our specialty veterinary procedures. We have expanded the clinic's canine and feline boarding areas to allow for more boarding and longer term boarding. Our newly expanded waiting area now includes a separate area for our feline patients.
Big Sky is equipped to perform multiple surgeries, including but not limited to those for lumbosacral disease, intervertebral disc disease, and triple pelvic osteotomies. All referral cases are sent back to the referring veterinarian with copies of the records, radiographs and CDs of CT scans.

Pets We Care For
We Welcome Animals of All Varieties Including:
Common Household Pets: Cats & Dogs
Exotic Pets: Birds, Ferrets, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hedgehogs, Sugar Gliders, Rodents (rats, hamsters, gerbils, etc.)
Reptiles: Snakes, Frogs/Toads, Bearded Dragons, Chameleons, Geckos, Iguanas, Turtles, Tortoise